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Fish (Boss)
LocationMaintenance System.
Music'The 4th'
Bestiary Entry"Fishing in these canals is a sport best left to the foolhardy, and Blastcores are not advised for bait."

Fish is one of four bosses that can encountered within the Maintenance System. It is an evolution of the Fish enemy type.

The battle takes place within a room containing water. The height of the water varies, depending on the attack being used by Fish. Water height will always update to match the next attack before it starts.

Attack Patterns

All blastcores in Fish's fight will detonate into eight evenly spaced shots, instead of the normal six. Cardinal shots will be mid-sized while diagonal shots will still be large.

In the following attack descriptions, Fish refers to Fish (Boss), while normal Fish enemies will be specified.

Fish's movement is largely tied to its attacks. When offscreen, it positions itself to do its next attack from whichever side is closer, except before and after it attacks from below.

Description Video
Fish will start the fight by swimming in a straight horizontal line from left to right, aimed vertically at the player. FishAttack1.gif
Fish enters the arena in the bottom corner of one side and begins firing single laser spikes at the player, while slowly advancing towards the middle of the screen. From the other side, blastcores will continuously spawn trying to ride the surface of the water, but not always moving fast enough. As the blastcores are spawning, the water level will try to match the player's vertical position. At the end of this part of the attack, the water will adjust to cover roughly half the screen and blastcores will spawn in much faster so that there are six packed onto the screen, with the sixth barely showing. To finish the attack, Fish will dolphin-jump over the water, shooting down laser spikes that will detonate remaining blastcores on impact.

For most of this attack, there will be a current in the water pushing the player towards the direction Fish originally came from, but at the end of the attack, the current switches direction.

Water will cover a bit of the bottom of the screen, and Fish will swim across the surface, firing many mid-sized bullets upwards, with varying angles and speeds. There is also a current in the water going in the opposite direction that Fish is moving. FishAttack3.gif
Water will cover roughly half the screen, and Fish will swim slowly through the water in one direction, with its fin just above the water, while many fish enemies swim from the other side with varying speeds. From the top of the screen, large and mid-sized bullets will rain down and come through the water, while small and large fire bullets with and without fire trails will also rain down, getting destroyed upon making contact with the water.

During this attack, there is a current in the water pushing the player towards the direction Fish came from. The bullets are also angled in the direction of the current, though it does not exist outside the water, with some bullets traveling at a steeper angle than others.
When Fish gets about halfway through the screen, the attack will stop and Fish will rush to get offscreen.

Water will cover the whole screen, and Fish will stay at one side of the screen, firing one large bullet flanked by two small bullets, once a second for 3 seconds. In addition, fish enemies will swim from the other side of the screen with varying speeds. Fish's large bullet can destroy small Fish and won't disappear or slow down when doing so. During this attack, a current will push the player towards Fish, and it will be changing its elevation to try to match that of the player. At the end of the attack, Fish will update its elevation one more time while swimming to the other side. FishAttack5.gif
Water will cover the whole screen, and Fish will stay at one side of the screen, firing inaccurate bursts of four mid-sized bullets at the player. It can do this four times throughout the attack. From the other side, walls of enemy fish will come to sweep the top and bottom of the screen, and after each of these, a wall of enemy fish will come from the same side as Fish to sweep the middle, closing the gap. The attack will end once three of each wall have spawned. Fish will slowly move up and down during this attack, randomly, and swim across the screen at whatever height it ends up when the attack is over.

The top and bottom fish walls each contain four fish while the middle one contains five. The fish also have slightly varying movement speeds.

Water will go below the arena (still visible, but unreachable) and Fish will leap in a straight vertical line from the bottom of the screen to the top, aimed at the player, firing an initial double layer ring of shots when it leaves the water, while firing popcorn bullets to its sides. Fish will then do the attack again from the top of the screen, except the ring of bullets will fire when it hits the bottom. Sometimes, Fish will produce 2 double rings when hitting the bottom. The bullets are evenly spaced but the angle is random. FishAttack7.gif


  • If Fish's health is depleted as it launches up and off of the screen vertically, the game will pause for a few seconds as it waits for its jumping animation to finish and land before registering the boss as defeated.

Star of Providence

Basic Mechanics



























