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The official soundtrack of Star of Providence was/is being created by Garoslaw, known also as ArcOfDream. The OST is created entirely in the software pxtone. You are able to find the releases on Bandcamp, split into the base-game OST and the RotP OST, which the latter will have music added to it when the update for RotP is released. You can find both releases here:

On both releases there are bonus tracks, ranging from unused versions of songs, new versions created for the release, songs from other remix releases, a song created for Monorail, and a teaser track for yet unreleased tracks that will be added to the OST once added to the game.

Hub Jukebox

There is an in-game jukebox in the hub where you are able to change the music track that plays in the room until you start a run, which has tracks that you can play unlock as you encounter them. This jukebox can be purchased from Kleines. A Skully will sometimes hang out by the jukebox and will comment on the track playing if you've picked one, once you talk to them. A list of all tracks currently on the jukebox can be found below.

Jukebox Number/Name Album In-Game Location Skully Quote
1 - Sunshine Downfall - Base-Game OST Plays during opening cutscene. "Whoa, what a blast from the past."
2 - Downfall Downfall - Base-Game OST Plays during opening cutscene. "Oh man, this song really plucks at my central circuitry."
3 - Before the Dawn Before the Dawn - Base-Game OST Main menu theme for the base-game. "Hahaha, this is such a nostalgic track for me."
4 - Hopeful Feeling Hopeful Feeling - Base-game OST Tutorial theme. "This is a neat tune. Must be a hit on the surface."
5 - Thought Soup Thought Soup - Base-game OST Hub theme. "You know, I come here just for this song specifically. I can listen to it for hours."
6 - Tonal Dissonance Tonal Dissonance - Base-game OST Floor music for Excavation in normal mode. "Eeugh. How am I supposed to spook people to this tune?"
7 - Shelf Space Shelf Space - Base-game OST Floor music for Archives. "Found this tune on a CD, in the Archives. Truly a treasure."
8 - Gone Fishing Gone Fishing - Base-game OST Floor music for Maintenance System. "I prefer to listen to this song underwater. And reversed."
9 - Fire in the Hole Fire in the Hole - Base-game OST Floor music for Bellows. "Oh man, this song hits me so hard, it's like my head's on fire."
10 - Point Zero Point Zero - Base-game OST Floor music for Sanctum. "Whoa, those mages sure have a really far out musical taste."
11 - No Tomorrow No Tomorrow - Base-game OST Floor music for ???. "C-Can you switch to something else?"
12 - Against All Odds Against All Odds - Base-game OST Floor music for Excavation in hard mode. "That's way more like it, don't you think?"
13 - ??? ??? This track cannot be unlocked. ???
14 - Templegame Templegame - RotP OST Floor music for Temple. "Hey I heard this one before. Isn't it from that one game?"
15 - Abyss Dark Abyss - RotP OST Floor music for Nowhere. "It's like all those tracks I've heard before. Except it's none of them!"
16 - Singularity Singularity - Base-game OST One of the boss themes for bosses on floors 1-4. A sped up version can be heard in certain fusion phases of Database. "Man, I'm never around when this one plays."
17 - Apparition Apparition - Base-game OST One of the boss themes for bosses on floors 1-4. A sped up version can be heard in certain fusion phases of Database. "Now that's my kind of groove."
18 - The Extraordinary The Extraordinary - Base-game OST One of the boss themes for bosses on floors 1-4. A sped up version can be heard in certain fusion phases of Database. "I never get to listen to this one in full."
19 - The 4th The 4th - RotP OST One of the boss themes for bosses on floors 1-4. Plays specifically for the bosses added for floors 1-4 in RotP. A sped up version can be heard in certain fusion phases of Database. "Hey, Charlie's favourite!"
20 - Rivaling Force Rivaling Force - Base-game OST Fight theme for D-13 in the tutorial. "Hm? You seem familiar with this track."
21 - Antibody Antibody - Rotp OST Fight theme for Trespasser. "I try not to think about where some of those come from."
22 - Small Battles Micro Skills - RotP OST Fight theme for Microcore. "Sometimes you ought to let sleeping cores be."
23 - Head Honcho ??? This track cannot be unlocked by legitimate methods. "Huh, do you feel some ozone in the air, or is that just me?"
24 - Angry Honcho ??? This track cannot be unlocked by legitimate methods. "Nice! Really makes the sparks fly!"
25 - Accursed One Accursed One - Base-game OST Fight theme for Overlord. "Doesn't sound that cursed to me..."
26 - Distorted Nightmares Nightmares & Distortions - RotP OST Theme for spr_eatr rooms in Temple. "Nothing here"
27 - Intensity Intensity - RotP OST Theme for minibosses in Temple. "Ooohhhhhhhh. As a skull, I approve of these tunes!"
28 - Warden's Descent Warden's Descent - RotP OST Music played during intro cutscene for The Warden. "Huh, that sounds a lot like him..."
29 - Divine Might Divine Might - RotP OST Fight theme for Warden's first three phases. "How long ago was it again?"
30 - Divine Will Divine Will - RotP OST Fight theme for Warden's 4th and final phase. "Where in the world did you find this?"
31 - Divine Choir This is not found on any release. Music played during Warden's time stop segments in his 4th phase. "Not sure how I feel about choirs, honestly."
32 - Incarnation Chaos Incarnate - RotP OST Intro music for Chaos God's summoning. "Uh oh."
33 - Chaos Incarnate Chaos Incarnate - RotP OST Fight theme for Chaos God. "The last time I heard this one. Bad things happened."
34 - Screams of Chaos Screams of Chaos - RotP OST (There are two versions provided.) Fight theme for Prisoner. The shortened version is used in-game, and is labeled as such on the soundtrack. "Goodbye, and thanks for all the music."
35 - The Trial The Trial - Base-game OST Fight theme for Bloke and Renegade. "Got this track on loan from a giant red skull. No really."
36 - Ex Machina, Part 1 Ex Machina (0:00-0:45) - Base-game OST Phase 1 theme for Default Machine. "I wonder where this track is going."
37 - Ex Machina, Part 2 Ex Machina (0:45-2:05) - Base-game OST Phase 2 theme for Default Machine. "WHOA! Jammin'!"
38 - Ex Machina, Part 3 Ex Machina (2:05 - 3:19) - Base-game OST Phase 3 theme for Default Machine. *Skully has zoned out*
39 - Monolith Monolith - Base-game OST Fight theme for phases 1 and 2 of Monolith. "I feel you deserve more thoughts on this song than me. Whatever it is, it's yours alone."
40 - End of Monolith End of Monolith - Base-game OST Fight theme for phase 3 of Monolith. "All good things end eventually. But so do all bad things, too. Well, the song's still playing, isn't it."
41 - Fatal Error Fatal Error - RotP OST Fight theme for primary phases of Database. "So the database is real... I wonder what kind of music it has stored on it."
42 - Final Ritual Obscura Machina - RotP OST Fight theme for Point Zero after Database. Also plays during phase 1 of Damaged Machine and Original Machine. "Ah, so this is how it happened. Sounds about as I expected."
43 - Final Sacrifice Second Movement - RotP OST Phase 2 and 3 theme for Damaged Machine and Original Machine. "Even as an echo, it's a powerful encore."
44 - Breakthrough This is not found on any release. Plays immediately after defeating bosses on floors 1-5. "Sounds like victory."
45 - Solace Solace - Base-game OST Plays in boss rooms that have been cleared on floors 1-5. "So... mellow..."
46 - Stray Cat Stray Cat - Base-game OST (By AlexMdle) Theme for regular shops. "Trademark of Kleines LLC, 20XX."
47 - U.E.S. U.E.S. - Rotp OST Theme for cartridge shops. "Ah, the Underground Entertainment System."
48 - Arcade Zone Keygenitor - RotP OST Theme for arcade and hacking practice. "Never pay more than 50,000 scrap for a cartridge!"
49 - Scar Tissue Scar Tissue - Base-game OST Plays while using an upgrade terminal. "Never heard this one before. Where does it play?"
50 - Ruin Ruin - Base-game OST Plays in the pause menu in Sanctum and on floor 6. "Hmm, you know what it's missing? Some Morse code."
51 - It's Dormant It's Dormant... - Rotp OST Plays in Microcore rooms before activation. "Sometimes I like to be dormant myself. I put this track on to ward off intruders."
52 - Sojourners Within Breach - RotP OST Plays in breaches during combat. "Hmm, I don't like breaches. But I sure like music."
53 - Coffee Break Coffee Break - Base-game OST Plays in the pause menu in Excavation and Archives. "Yeah, I like to take a pause from time to time too, come here, listen to some music..."
54 - Towering Blues Towering Blues - Base-game OST Plays in the pause menu in Maintenance System and Bellows. "Hm, this track really gets me thinking about the future. ..."
55 - Temple Nova Temple Nova - RotP OST Plays in the pause menu in Temple, while you're not fighting a boss. "The elevators in here never play music this nice!"
56 - Tyrant's Bounty Tyrant's Bounty - Base-game OST (By AlexMdle) Results screen theme after death. "Is this what death sounds like? Gotta say it's nicer than expected."
57 - Null and Void Null and Void - Base-game OST Regular credits theme. "Huh, the head bites the tail."
58 - Flashback Flashback - Base-game OST True ending credits theme, after killing Monolith. "Well, I hope this was fun for you. Maybe we'll meet again someday."
59 - Reminiscence Reminiscence - RotP OST (Originated in base game) Secret ending theme, after killing Monolith and achieving an exalted run simultaneously. Also plays after returning the Ribbon to the Blastcore in the Hub. "A piece for all those we could save. And those we couldn't."
60 - Signal Lost Signal Lost - RotP OST Bad ending credits theme, after killing Prisoner. "Ohh... too bad. You did your best."
61 - Second Dive Second Dive - RotP OST Main menu theme for RotP. "Back for an encore?"

Star of Providence

Basic Mechanics



























