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The 4 ranks shown on the results screen.

Ranks are letter grades awarded to the player after winning a run as a measure of how well they played. There are 4 ranks: Time Spent, Times Hit, Rooms Explored, and Secrets Found, which are then combined into an overall rank for the run. Each rank will have one of 6 letter grades, with S being the best and F being the worst.


Time Spent (or Time) is pretty self-explanatory, it's the total amount of time that the run took to complete. The timer can be checked during a run at the top of the map screen.

Times Hit (or Damage) counts the number of times the player took damage, or got hit but negated damage with a Shield, the Autobomb Upgrade, or the Magic Shield Cartridge. Touching an enemy attack while invincible (either from recently being hit or other cases such as Crimson Lotus) does not count as a hit, and neither does manually using a bomb.

Rooms Explored (or Exploration) tracks the number of rooms the player explored compared to the total number of rooms on all of the floors they visited. Exploring a room simply means entering it and having it light up on the map, so leaving a room without killing all the enemies still counts as exploring it. Most room types count towards this rank, including rooms without any enemies and Shortcuts. The only exceptions are:

  • Secret rooms, as they have their own rank.
  • All rooms in The Temple.
  • Dugs (excavated rooms)
  • Breaches if their corresponding Breachstone was not destroyed.

Secrets Found (or Secrets) is the number of Secret Rooms the player explored compared to the total number of secret rooms. Revealing a secret room without entering it does not count. If the player receives the Blessing of Enigma, an additional secret room will generate on each floor. The enigma room on the floor the blessing was taken is not counted, as it often generates in weird places and can be hard to find, but every subsequent enigma room does count towards the Secrets rank.

Letter Grades

The letter grades for Time and Damage have different requirements based on what floor the run ended on and whether The Temple was visited, giving the player more leniency the more floors they visited. The requirements for Exploration and Secrets are based on the percentage of the total rooms or secrets that the player explored.

Base Requirements

These are the requirements for each letter grade on a Floor 5 run where The Temple was not visited.

Base Rank Requirements
Rank Time Damage Exploration Secrets
< 20 minutes <= 10 hits 100% of rooms 100% of secret rooms
20 - 25 minutes 11 - 15 hits 90 - 99% of rooms 90 - 99% of secret rooms
25 - 30 minutes 16 - 20 hits 80 - 89% of rooms 80 - 89% of secret rooms
30 - 45 minutes 21 - 25 hits 70 - 79% of rooms 70 - 79% of secret rooms
45 - 60 minutes 26 - 30 hits 60 - 69% of rooms 60 - 69% of secret rooms
> 60 minutes > 30 hits < 60% of rooms < 60% of secret rooms

Time Requirements by Floor

These are all the Time S Rank requirements for every combination of floors that can be visited. Ending a run at Floor 6 adds 5 extra minutes of leniency, and Floor 7 adds an additional 5. The amount of extra time given by The Temple is based on its Tier; Tier 1 adds 2 minutes, Tier 2 adds 4, Tier 3 adds 6, and Tier 4 adds 14. The rank requirements for ending a run at Prisoner are equivalent to a Floor 5 run that visited Tier 4 Temple.

The requirements for other letter grades are always the same relative to S Rank.

Time S Rank Requirements Based on Floors Visited
Ending No Temple Tier 1 Temple Tier 2 Temple Tier 3 Temple Tier 4 Temple
Floor 5 < 20 minutes < 22 minutes < 24 minutes < 26 minutes < 34 minutes
Floor 6 < 25 minutes < 27 minutes < 29 minutes < 31 minutes < 39 minutes
Floor 7 < 30 minutes < 32 minutes < 34 minutes < 36 minutes < 44 minutes

Damage Requirements by Floor

These are all the Damage S Rank requirements for every combination of floors that can be visited. Ending a run at Floor 6 adds 3 extra hits of leniency, and Floor 7 adds an additional 3. The amount of extra hits given by The Temple is based on its Tier; Tier 1 adds 1 hit, Tier 2 adds 2, Tier 3 adds 3, and Tier 4 adds 7. The rank requirements for ending a run at Prisoner are equivalent to a Floor 5 run that visited Tier 4 Temple.

The requirements for other letter grades are always the same relative to S Rank.

Damage S Rank Requirements Based on Floors Visited
Ending No Temple Tier 1 Temple Tier 2 Temple Tier 3 Temple Tier 4 Temple
Floor 5 <= 10 hits <= 11 hits <= 12 hits <= 13 hits <= 17 hits
Floor 6 <= 13 hits <= 14 hits <= 15 hits <= 16 hits <= 20 hits
Floor 7 <= 16 hits <= 17 hits <= 18 hits <= 19 hits <= 23 hits

Overall Rank

The overall rank is the average of the 4 ranks along with a title. Each letter grade has one or more titles associated with it, from which the game chooses randomly. For example, a run with ranks B A S F would have an overall rank of B and a title of either Accomplished Spelunker, Challenger, or Grim Arbitor. An overall rank of S is unique in that it requires all 4 individual ranks to be S, instead of merely having an average that rounds up to S.

The possible titles for each letter grade are as follows:
S: Exalted Soul
A: Champion of the Past / Fearless Delver / Master Scavenger
B: Accomplished Spelunker / Challenger / Grim Arbitor
C: Acolyte / Aspirant / Toiling Craft
D: Bootleg Ghost / Just Visiting / Orange Farmer
F: Intentional Sabotage?


Achievements relating to Ranks
Name Unlock condition
Speed Runner


Get an S Rank in Time (Under 20 minutes)


Get an S Rank in Damage (10 hits or fewer)
Thorough Explorer


Get an S Rank in Exploration (Visit all rooms)
Master of the Unseen


Get an S Rank in Secrets (Find all secrets)


Get all 4 S Ranks in one run


  • It's possible to go to Tier 4 Temple and leave after clearing 1 branch to gain a lot of rank leniency at very little cost.
  • Without the Blessing of Enigma, it's impossible to get a rank of A in Secrets, only S or B and below.

Star of Providence

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