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Music'Fatal Error'
Bestiary EntryCorruption at 0%. All systems normal. All entries consistent.

Database is the boss of Nowhere, and is a large mechanical apparatus with what appear to be server towers beneath it, all of which is encased in stone further beneath and behind it. Database's arena background appears to have graphical errors that occur more often the further into the fight you get.

Attack Patterns

Database has 4 phases that share similar attacks that increase in power after each phase, each of which has its own health bar. After phase 1, 2, and 3, a boss will be randomly chosen from a list of 8 fusions of bosses from previous floors, and the player will have to fight and kill the chosen boss to progress to the next phase of Database.

Phase 1, 2, 3, 4

Description Video
Database will shoot evenly spaced rings of bullets outward from its center, each of which have slight indents around them. The later phase you encounter this attack at, the denser the rings of bullets will be. DatabaseAttack1.gif
Database will telegraph thick jets of bullets in a cross or X formation, and once these begin firing, they rotate slowly around the screen with a flurry of other bullets spiraling in the opposite direction outward. Note that the streams of bullets are NOT lasers, and can be swatted away with a sword, but move and are generated with blinding speed. The later phase you encounter this attack at, the more slow bullets spiral out from Database. DatabaseAttack2.gif
Database telegraphs mines on top of the player with even spacing, each of which explode shortly after into a storm of fire. The later the phase this attack is encountered, the more mines are generated. DatabaseAttack3.gif
Database places a mine on top of the player, and more mines are placed vertically and horizontally to the first mine periodically, each of which creating a burst of bullets one after another until the lines of mines reaches the edge of the screen. DatabaseAttack4.gif
Database places mines at random locations that fire bullets at angles progressively closer to where the player was at the point of the mine's creation, and fire a burst of bullets when it reaches directly where the player was. The later the phase this attack is encountered, the more mines are generated. DatabaseAttack5.gif
Database creates 4 turrets at evenly spaced intervals near the corners of the arena or near the middle of each of the 4 walls of the arena, each of which begin firing at the location the player was at when created with a stream of bullets that progressively get faster, along with extra bullets that fire directly where the player is at, separate to the stream of bullets. DatabaseAttack6.gif

Fusion Bosses

After phase 1, 2, and 3 of Database, a boss will be randomly chosen from the following 8 bosses to be fought before the player can progress to the next phase of Database. Each of these bosses is a fusion of bosses from previous floors, and each have several unique attack patterns. Each time a boss is defeated, it is removed from the list of bosses that can be chosen from this list for the rest of the fight. Note that none of these bosses will have their health bar appear at the top of the screen, despite having a title card.


A fusion of Devourer, Firewall, and Daemon, Abyssal hovers at the top of the screen with a maw at the bottom in an arena that resembles rooms in ??? (Unknown). Abyssal appears to be Firewall's "head" on top of Daemon's rib-cage.

Description Video
Abyssal will fire a large fire bullet that travels directly downward that generates bullets perpendicular to itself as it travels down, along with a burst of fire bullets directed out from its center, many of which decay. AbyssalAttack1.gif
Abyssal's maw will begin quickly dragging the player downward, and generates blood bullets that fall from the top of the screen and pick up speed as they travel. The player will need to dash in order to gain enough speed to travel upward during this attack. AbyssalAttack2.gif
Abyssal will teleport to random locations at the top of the screen, and after each teleport will fire a large fire bullet directly at the player along with a ring of smaller fire bullets. AbyssalAttack3.gif
Abyssal will disappear for a short while and warning indicators will cover the middle portion of the arena, and shortly after, giant lasers will begin to fire upwards at random locations from the maw, along with other burst of bullets being fired alongside them. The only place safe from the lasers is the left and right sides of the screen, above the maw, where the player can dodge the other bullets. AbyssalAttack4.gif

Note that Abyssal's maw will bite the player if they stay toward the bottom of the screen for too long, dealing double damage if the player touches either jaw during the animation.

Iron Magus

A fusion of Ordinator, Guardian, and Armor Tac, Iron Magus hovers near the top of the screen in an arena that appears to be that of Ringleader, but upside down. Iron Magus has Ordinator's head on top of Guardian's body, one hand of which holds a mace that resembles one of Armor Tac's taclets. The mace will immediately deal damage if you touch it, even during the summoning animation.

Description Video
Iron Magus slams their mace into the bottom of the screen, generating a shockwave that travels outward from impact, generating bullets that travel upward along the way. IronMagusAttack1.gif
Iron Magus summons drills from the sides of the screen that alternate back and forth for each time they're summoned, each of which travel to the other side of the screen, generating a burst of fire bullets as they're summoned and more outward and behind them as they travel. These drills can be destroyed. IronMagusAttack2.gif
Iron Magus raises their open hand and begins firing bursts of fire toward the player, and waves their mace around the screen with their other hand. The mace will attempt to have a radius of orbit that matches the distance the player has to the hand that is spinning the mace. IronMagusAttack4.gif
Iron Magus raises their open hand and fires thick bursts of fire toward the player, with rings of fire bullets being generated alongside these. IronMagusAttack3.gif

Late Knight

A fusion of Ringleader and Armor Tac, Late Knight hovers near the top and middle of an arena that resembles that of Armor Tac's. Late Knight appears to be Ringleader encased in the armor that Armor Tac's core is protected with.

Description Video
Late Knight will rise to the top of the screen, and then fall down and bounce back up several times, summoning multiple rings of bullets and some ghosts each time they hit the bottom of the screen. LateKnightAttack1.gif
Late Knight will open for a moment to summon a ring of armored ghosts, after which they disappear and summon several rings of slow bullets, some moving directly outward, and others directed slightly tangent to Late Knight, each ghost also summoning bullets aimed directly at the player upon their death. LateKnightAttack2.gif
Late Knight will open for a moment and summon 4 lines of armored ghosts that act in accordance to each other in layers, and a moment after they're summoned, each layer begins rotating around Late Knight in the opposite direction to the layers adjacent. Each layer from the outside will periodically stop and vanish, summoning a burst of bullets toward the player from each ghost that vanishes. LateKnightAttack3.gif
Late Knight will summon lines of armored ghosts that close on alternating sides of them, terminating as the lines meet. As the ghosts vanish, they generate thick lines of bullets that travel directly downward, along with additional bursts of bullets that travel at similar speeds. LateKnightAttack4.gif


A mixture of Fish and Charlie, Leviathan hovers near the bottom of the screen and appears to be Fish with Charlie's visor, in an arena that appears to have dark orange stars traveling vertically.

Description Video
Leviathan will begin spraying laser bullets and normal bullets upward and moving slightly side to side. LeviathanAttack1.gif
Leviathan will aim upward and fire a large laser that also fires laser projectiles outward horizontally, and afterward will fire more laser projectiles outward from the point of impact at the top of the screen. LeviathanAttack2.gif
Leviathan will dash upward in a wave motion, shooting blue bullets directly horizontal periodically, while also randomly spraying many other bullets in random directions. Leviathan will pass the top of the screen and fall back downward, on the way down will fire bursts of homing bullets around them, and bursts of diamond bullets toward the player. LeviathanAttack3.gif
Leviathan will aim toward the player, move slightly toward the player horizontally, and fire rings of bullets outward from itself alongside thick bursts of fire bullets directed at the player. LeviathanAttack4.gif


A fusion of Chamberlord, Presence, and Devourer, Omniscient appears to be Presence nested inside of the outer layer of Chamberlord, and resides in a pitch black arena like Presence's fight.

Description Video
Omniscient teleports to the center of the arena and begins firing a stream of large bullets vertically, which rotate around the screen as more smaller bullets are generated at the edges of the screen that travel inward, as well as rings of bullets that are fired outward from Omniscient. OmniscientAttack1.gif
Omniscient teleports to a random location in the arena and generates several of Devourer's sentries that aim directly toward the player that eventually disappear and fire a burst of blood bullets. These sentries can be killed to prevent the bullets from being fired. OmniscientAttack2.gif
Omniscient teleports to a random location in the arena and generates two of Devourer's sentries that aim directly toward the player and fire a giant laser, along with a ring of bullets from where they were, and then vanish. These sentries can be killed to prevent the bullets from being fired. OmniscientAttack3.gif
Omniscient teleports around the screen randomly and each time they appear and disappear, they fire a series of 4 rings that alternate in angles. Omniscient teleports fast enough for these to overlap each other. OmniscientAttack4.gif

Phoenix Gunship

A fusion of Behemoth, Overlord, and Monolith, Phoenix Gunship appears to be the turret of Behemoth with Overlord's cannons mounted above, and with wings similar to those of Monolith's, in an arena that resembles that of Armor Tac's.

Description Video
Phoenix Gunship dashes to the middle of the arena, telegraphs and fires a thin laser toward the player that lingers for a moment before it begins to rotate toward the player, and rings of fire shoot outward from Phoenix Gunship for awhile before both the fire and laser cease. PhoenixGunshipAttack1.gif
Phoenix Gunship dashes to the top of the arena and begins firing rows of fire downward, and shoots 4 evenly spaced bursts of bullets at the player periodically. PhoenixGunshipAttack2.gif
Phoenix Gunship dashes to the top of the arena and begins firing stars of bullets outward from itself, and periodically fires large fire bullets toward the sides of the screen that explode into more smaller fire bullets when the land. PhoenixGunshipAttack3.gif
Phoenix Gunship begins dashing across the top of the arena, firing angled lines of fire and bursts of other bullets in slightly different alternating patterns. PhoenixGunshipAttack4.gif


A fusion of Ordinator, Reactor, Daemon, and Ice Wyrm, Thaumaturge appears to be Ordinator with Reactor's eye having replaced their head, holding Daemon's head and a segment of Ice Wyrm as weapons, in the arena of Chamberlord.

Description Video
Thaumaturge begins firing several legs of icicle bullets downward at a slight variation of angles, while periodically firing electric beams directly downward, aimed at the player. ThaumatergeAttack1.gif
Thaumaturge fires overlapping spirals of fire out from one hand and summons several electric beams aimed diagonally in alternating angles, and then both series of diagonal electric beams at once. ThaumatergeAttack2.gif
Thaumaturge begins firing 3 legs of neat bursts of ice in a spiral formation from one hand, and periodic large bullets of fire along with fire bullets that leave fire trails from the other directed at the player. ThaumatergeAttack3.gif
Thaumaturge begins firing a random spray of fire bullets toward the player, along with large, consistent thick spreads of white bullets toward the player from far away. ThaumatergeAttack4.gif

The Radiant

A fusion of Nightmare and Monolith, Radiant appears to be a mass of light with wings floating in a sky that resembles the arena of Monolith's third phase.

Description Video
Radiant telegraphs a grid of lasers from one corner of the screen to the opposite, and fires in the same order they're telegraphed, firing extra diamond bullets from the top and side of the screen from where the lasers began each time they fire. RadiantAttack1.gif
Radiant fires giant swords from the sides of the screen with gaps to dodge through from alternating sides of the screen, while firing a fast spiral of bullets originating from Radiant. The swords deal double damage. RadiantAttack2.gif
Radiant fires rings of giant swords originating from themself that gently spiral outward when fired, alongside random bursts of diamond bullets each time the swords are fired. The direction of the spiral the swords takes alternates each time they are fired. The swords deal double damage. RadiantAttack3.gif
Radiant fires large bullets towards the side of the screen that generate lasers perpendicular to their impact location to opposite sides of the screen each time they're fired, each lower than the last bullet. Each of the lasers generate a small burst of diamond bullets outward when fired. RadiantAttack4.gif

Point Zero

Point Zero
Point zero.png
Music'Obscura Machina'
'Second Movement'
Bestiary Entry(Point Zero has no bestiary entry, as it is considered to be a portion of the Database fight.)

After reaching the end of phase 4, Database will have a series of explosions occur on their hitbox, and then particles will be generated and drawn towards Database as the screen brightens, and then transitions into the intro of the battle with Point Zero. No title card will be shown, but the health bar will be visible regardless when the fight begins. Point Zero is a smaller version of an undamaged Machine sitting in a conduit, being granted Power Eternal by the Council, who can be seen at the top of the screen near the end of the fight.

Attack Patterns

Description Video
When above 75% health, Point Zero will generate bullets at the edge of the screen in patterns that resemble cut-up circles, all of which fall directly inward and terminate at Point Zero's hitbox. When Point Zero reaches 75% health, they gain a massive amount of damage resistance for a short time and transition to the next attack. All of these bullets are double damage. PointZeroAttack1.gif
An audio cue sounds and runes fly out from Point Zero and beyond the arena edges as they rise from the conduit, making the screen blue, and then returning to be close around Point Zero. The rings from the previous attack begin to occur again but much denser, but disappear when in the blue field, and Point Zero begins moving around the screen, moving the field as they do. In hard mode, the blue field is a bit smaller. If this attack goes on for long enough, the blue field may increase significantly in size for a moment, and one of the four following attacks will occur:
  • Point Zero will fire a series of giant lasers around themself
  • Point Zero will fire several bursts of homing bullets around themself
  • Point Zero will fire a series of rings of blood bullets around themself
  • Point Zero will telegraph several legs of bullets fired out from themself that rotate slightly around them as they begin to fire

Note that Point Zero does not deal contact damage. This attack continues until Point Zero reaches 50% health, at which point they gain massive damage resistance for a moment again and proceed to the next attack.



Point Zero returns to the conduit and the rings begin firing again like in their first attack, but Point Zero will periodically freeze these rings by throwing their runes outward, and will fire many bursts of blue bullets outward from themselves through the rings. Time will resume as normal and the rings will continue until the freeze happens again. When Point Zero reaches 25% health, they transition to the next attack, but do not gain damage resistance like previously. PointZeroAttack3.gif
Point Zero rises to the top of the screen as the background does as well, and begins spewing out several legs of blue bullets in bursts, rotating around them randomly. After a short time, Point Zero will then fire 6 diamond formations of bullets around them that alternate to allow them to nest neatly within each other, each diamond having a large double damage bullet at the bullet fired furthest from them. Point Zero will alternate between these two attacks until they die. Upon death, Point Zero will explode into a brilliant flash of light, and will return to Database for a short cutscene before the fight ends entirely. PointZeroAttack4.gif


Upon triggering the battle with Database, the player will be lowered down to where Database is located, and they will speak with a special text box, addressing the player by the visitor number of the ship they are using:


After phase 4 of Database is defeated and the flash of white dissipates, the text "PLAYBACK..." can be seen at the top left corner of the arena, with 3 progress bars below it filling up and the dots extending further before the screen hard cuts to Point Zero.

After the death animation of Point Zero, the arena will cut back to Database, and their red facade will crack significantly, showing a white glow beneath. The screen will begin to rumble, and Database along with the background will begin to travel downwards with a subtle glitch effect on some sprites, as the following text with the same text style as previous but without the same text box will show:


If the player's loop count in the run they're fighting Database is above 0, the text in these cutscenes will be skipped entirely. This makes it a useful strategy for speedrunners to instead run at loop 1 to save the time that would otherwise be wasted on waiting here.

The player will then be transported to a dark, dilapidated version of the hub, with a man sitting in front of what would be the entrance to the facility. The mirror, jukebox, bestiary, and table are all present, but only outlined in blue, and sometimes versions of the hub Blastcore, Hermit, Skully, and Sentinel will be present, only outlined in green. Speaking to the man in front of the entrance will provide a prompt, asking if you'd like to continue. Refusing to continue will send you to the results screen and unlock the next loop if not yet unlocked, and agreeing will send you directly to the beginning of a run on the next loop.


  • Point Zero is Machine shortly after their creation by the Council, to be a vessel to channel Power Eternal.
  • The Radiant is a reference to a similarly named boss in Hollow Knight, and their theme and attacks resemble the boss referenced closely.
    • The Radiant's white body with red eye is also a visual reference to a boss in Kirby's Dream Land 3 and Kirby 64, known as Zero and Zero-Two respectively.
  • Database's purification line in their first cutscene is a reference to the game OFF.
  • Database's cutscenes will only play if you had gotten the Int Err. cart in the same run, or if you choose Loop 0 in the menu at the start.

Star of Providence

Basic Mechanics



























